Oil and Gas Law
Gas- Gross UK production of natural gas in Q3 2014 was 3.6 pre cent higher than in the same period a year ago, partially as a result of new fields coming on stream. Within total UK production, production of associated gas (natural gas produced from oil fields) increased by 11 Per cent whilst dry gas production decreased by 5.2 per cent. Overall, UK gas demand increased by 11.0 per cent to around 13 Twn, largely driven by an increase in gas demand for electricity generation.- source DECC
Natural Resources Wales and Crown Estate sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), underlining their commitment to work in partnership to ensure that the National Resources of Wales are sustainably managed in the long term.-source Crown Estate
The Government has announced a further consultation into a basin-wide Investment allocated as a positive signal to investors but urges its delivery to be ‘fast tracked’ and to take effect from Budget 2015. If the UK Continental Shelf is to regain any attraction for investment in the current climate.